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Thank you so much for your participation and support for our Fall Fundraiser!! We had fantastic results!
Our Fall Fundraiser will be delivered on Thursday, September 20th from 5:30-7:30pm.
Pickup will be in the NPJH Cafeteria. Please enter through the Main Office Door of NPJH - Door 1. This is the only pick-up time. We will not be able to send home items with students since they need to be frozen.
If you would like to help with delivery please e-mail Our staff could use help any time between 5:00p.m. and 8:00pm on the 20th.
The Mega Movie Event will take place on Friday, September 21st! Qualifying students have received an email invitation.
- New Palestine Junior High
Click here to see information on criteria for your child to enroll in Algebra I as an 8th grader starting in 2018-19.
Southern Hancock Schools believes that all students should have the opportunity to achieve to the highest of their potential. With this in mind, starting in the 2018-19 school year, all 8th grade students will have the opportunity to take Algebra 1.
Criteria have been created for students to qualify for the 8th grade Algebra 1 course. Students who were identified as High Ability in Mathematics during the 6th grade identification process will automatically qualify.
A second path, created by a committee of parents, teachers, and administrators, contains the following criteria:
? Automatic Qualifier
- Meets or exceeds a score of 90% on the Algebra Readiness Test given to all 7th graders (early Spring semester)
- Scores in the 96th percentile on the NWEA Math assessment during the Fall or Winter administration of their 7th grade year.
If a student doesn’t automatically qualify by meeting one of the above criteria, they must meet THREE or more of the following criteria:
- 85% or higher on the Algebra Readiness Test (early Spring semester)
- A grade of A or higher in 7th Grade Math during Semester 1
- 7th grade Fall or Winter NWEA Math score in the 90th percentile or higher
- 6th grade ISTEP+ Math score of Pass+
- A teacher recommendation score of 4 in the area of Mathematics
If the student qualifies by either of the above criteria, he or she will have the option of taking Algebra 1 in eighth grade or waiting until ninth grade.
- New Palestine Junior High